

by pablo doe

I share on this Newsletter exclusive
photography tips and tutorials.

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Get some useful "how to's" for this Template.

How to open the side menu?

This one is easy!

1. Go to the Navigator panel and double click on the Navbar element

2. Find the Burger menu and click on it.

3. Go to the Settings panel and click Open menu.

4. Done!

How to add an Instagram feed on the journal page?

There are several way to add a feed but we'll use this one that is very easy.

1. Go to and customize your Instagram feed.

2. Get your code.

3. Drag and drop an Embed Widget and place it inside "Instagram Embed Box"

4.Paste your code from Lightwidget inside the dialog box.

5. Click on save and close button.

6. Publish your page and see the changes on your live site, done!

How can I change the color of the underlines

1. Select the Hero Link Block element.

2. Go to the Style Panel and under Typography section you will find the color of the underlying, change it as desired.

need more help?

Please feel free to contact me. Don't forget to visit my other Templates. :)

/useful tips

1. Compress your jpg and png images at for faster page loadings.


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I share on my newsletter exclusive photography tips, tutorials and special offers for my clients.